Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 6: New passports and today’s epiphanies of God

             Well, we went down to the embassy today and got everything taken care of…ok, I guess I shouldn’t say we got everything taken care of, because clearly God was in control of the whole thing.
             We went down there this morning at 10:30, only to find out that they wouldn’t let us in without an appointment. Discouraged and disappointed, we walked back to the car,  only to remember that we had a question about the passport. When we got back up there, the guard called me in and put me on the phone with an American lady from inside the embassy. I don’t know how it happened, but somehow God worked it out where the American workers heard about my situation and immediately set me up for an appointment the same day.
              I went back at 1:30, and within 2 hours everything was finished and my new passport was on the way. Other then needing a new picture, everything went smoothly, with not one problem.  I should be receiving my new passport within 10 days. God is faithful to those who call upon Him!!
              Throughout the whole day, it was clear to me that Someone greater then me was in control of the situation, working it out where we found favor with the guards, and I was allowed to get in without any problems. The whole day I felt like everything was surreal, and blurring by as God allowed Himself to be seen in the simplest ways. Even the way a couple of guards went with me to the main building, telling the other guards that I was allowed to pass, clearly smoothing the way and making sure no problems arose, was a sure sign to me that God was working behind the scenes to make this work.
             Today God clearly showed me  that “all things” really do “work together for good to those who love God…” Though I have yet to see why my passport was stolen, everything at the embassy really did work for my good. I know that God alone has the power to have made the day go like it did today, everything that happened is nomere coincidence”. My God is great and greatly to be praised, as He has again shown Himself to be today!!
                                         “For the glory of God!!!”
“And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Acts 2:21

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