Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 13: Smiling interns, laughing children, and braided hair

           Today I am counting the blessings that the Lord has given me on this trip.  We went to see some of the Lusaka children  today, and once again it was a time of laughter, love and joy as we all got together and hung out for the afternoon. A lot of the children we trying to teach us inters some of their games…..most of which include rhythm and let’s just say….I don’t have enough rhythm for their games.  I was getting very mixed up and lots of laughter was involved with trying to help me get it right. I think….think being the key word, that I figured it out by the time we were done. The real test will be how I do next time we see them!

           After we played those games several of the girls sat down and started to play with  our hair. It was so special to me to be sitting there listening to those precious girls chattering while their sweet hands played in my hair. It was a blissful, sweet time for me, being with those children again and being able to shower more love on them and bring more light into their day. If sitting there letting them braid my hair is what it takes to make their day special for them, then they can braid my hair as long as they want!

         After we left their house we went and sat in the office checking emails for the next hour. During which time three of us were having cross conversations  between each other on Facebook while we were sitting in the same room. It was quite funny to think that I was sitting next to the person I was messaging, while all he had to do was look over my shoulder to see what I was saying…(that is if he didn’t want to talk). It was pretty funny!

         Now it is past midnight and I cannot sleep. I am sitting here with my mind running wild as I ponder my day. I am wide awake and  know that I could not sleep right now even if I tried. As I sit here I am once more going over all that God has been doing for me and in me on this trip so far. I have learned so much it is amazing! I have already come to look on God in a totally different aspect. To write all that He has already taught me and  revealed Himself to be to me, would take up an entire post all on its own, so I will suffice to say that He is one amazing God!!!

                                       “For the glory of God!”

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8:3-4

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