Monday, April 25, 2022

A mother's tears


Motherhood is beautifully hard. You share much laughter and tears with these tiny humans. You make memories - and mistakes- with them. And in them, you get to see yourself; the good parts and the bad.

  I look at Frasier and I miss that newborn baby with his fluffy hair and huge man hands. I miss the tiny tot, reaching those chubby arms up to "mama." All those late night snuggles after a bad dream. The list goes on.

  I realized the other day that I don't remember the

last time Frasier crawled into bed with me at night. It's been weeks. He no long crawls in with me for morning snuggles. He no longer calls for me to get him after a nap. He's growing up. He doesn't need me as often anymore. 

  And while I might not like it, it's life: he's going to grow up whether I like it or not. All I can do is embrace the new stages; the new memories. And hold my boy close, while I still can. One day, that sweet toddler of mine is going to be a man. But for now, he's still my little boy, and I don't want to miss a second of the time I've been given. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

How deep a Father's love


Here is a man who loves his children. Who serves and cares for his children with a selfless love: an unquenchable, unchanging love -no matter how his  children may act out or wrong him.

Last summer when we lost our (then) 2 year old, I was barely holding myself together by a thread. I kept thinking, "if anyone can find Frasier, it's Dan." Then, to watch the panic on Dan's face as he ran to a fro, searching and calling for our son; my heart shattered within me. Dan was usually so calm and logical, but here he was: freaking out and going through every worst case scenario. Later, as I snatched my son from his uncle's arms, I saw his father run up beside us. Through my own tears, I saw him drop to his knee with a look of utter relief and gratitude. I heard the deep sigh of relief as he saw that our son was safe.

  THIS is is the infinite love of a father. A love that drives a man to seek his child's well being and joy above all else. The kind of love that inspired a father to send His Son to the cross for His children.

  Imagine, if you will: God the Father has such a love for His children, that He bears the agonizing pain of separation as He sends His Son from Him. He is then forced to ignore the entreaties of His Son, as He inquires of a different route: one free of suffering. Knowing this path is the only one, the Father turns away, as the Son *willingly* goes to His death. Imagine the groan of utter pain and grief as He watches His Son endure the cross: a groan that darkened the sun and struck the earth with tremors. Then the roar of jubilation and relief when His Son rose that Easter morning, rattling the earth and shaking the graves open, as a Father rejoiced in His Son's return.

  This Father's love and ultimate sacrifice- that Son's willing death- was for YOU. You are the child that strayed; the child that was long sought after and grieved over. Today, the Father extends His love to you- reaching out with nail peirced hands to offer you hope: Will you hear His voice and accept His gift??