Thursday, October 29, 2015

Orphan Sunday 2015

   Some people say I have the hardest job, others say I'm crazy to enjoy this kind of work. But they couldn't be more wrong! It's true that childcare isn't always easy, and I won't pretend that I enjoy changing diapers and wiping noses. But there's no job more rewarding, more fulfilling, than childcare. Every child that comes through that door each morning has a story, and while I don't always know those stories and am often unable to help them, the one thing I can do is love them.
 You see, that's what childcare is all about: providing a loving and stable environment for those children each day. The love that you give those children makes all the difference in their lives.

   Every child deserves a chance to be loved, but not all children get that chance. Orphan Sunday is an opportunity for Christians around the world to stand up for the orphans and advocate their cause. There are many different ways we can help a child in need. One of those ways is sponsorship. I personally sponsor two young girls in Africa. Yes, it can be a sacrifice, but let me tell you first hand, it is so worth it!

    There are millions of innocent children around the world with no home, no family and no food. Many of these have never even known what it was like to be loved. They struggle for survival, desperately seeking out stability and love. We may be the only voice those little ones will ever have. We cannot remain silent! We must speak up on their behalf! I beseech you to be praying about how you can help these little ones this year!! If you'd like to learn more about Orphan Sunday and how you can help, you can visit and http://every "You're not just sending money, you're raising an orphan to life!"
    One day. One voice. One purpose. Orphan Sunday!

   "Religion that is pure and faultless is this: 
to look after orphans and widows in their distress...."   
James 1:27
"For the glory of God!"