Thursday, May 29, 2014

While I'm waiting

     I imagine life as one long hallway. Every day you're walking down this hallway trying to reach the door at the end. On either side of you the hall is lined with doors. Some are good and others are bad.You have no idea what's on the other side of that door, but He knows. He knows that on the other side is His great plan for you. But only by taking the side doors will you reach that door. Day by day the Shepherd beckons you saying, "come My child. Walk with Me." As you walk you pray, praying for your Guide to open the right doors, and He does. But every now and then He opens a door that looks so right, but the moment you try to step through, He slams it shut again. "But it looked so right Lord!" you say. "Yes My child, it did look right, but that is not what I have for you" He says, "Just wait. Be patient. I have something far better in mind." 

       Everyone has a "plan" for their lives, but so does God. We need to seek that plan, for our earthly dreams cannot compare to the beauty of His heavenly plan for us. For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are His ways higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. (Is. 55:9) God already has a plan for us, we just need to wait on Him and follow Him. One thing we all know is that God will NEVER lead us astray. Not seldom ever, but NEVER. So trust His plan. Trust the One Who made you to never lead you astray in life. Wait on Him.

While you're waiting what are you going to do??
 The plans of the heart belong to man, 
but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.
 Proverbs 16:1
"For the glory of the Lord!"

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lessons from Ruth

  Widowed at a young age she abandoned her home, her family, her religion and all that she loved to follow her mother-in-law to a land and people that were foreign to her. There she took up the faith of her mother-in-law and took it upon herself to care for her in her old age.
       The story of Ruth. Ruth's story is a short one, yet one that is packed with wisdom for women attaining to be Godly wives. My sister and I have recently been studying Ruth with a couple friends in our weekly "wife prep" Bible study. One of the things that really stuck out to me about Ruth was her patience in waiting. All of us who are single are in that season of waiting, but none of us fully know the joy that lies ahead. Ruth did. She knew what she was missing in life, yet still she was patient in her wait and trusted God. Can we say the same?
 "The LORD bless you, my daughter," he replied. "This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier: You have not run after the younger men, whether rich or poor....
All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character.
Ruth 3:10-11
    What a legacy! How I pray I develop the same legacy! This is a legacy we should all attain to: to be known for our virtuous, Godly character and strong morals. The fact that the entire town knew of her virtue and noble character, shows that she was worth talking about. Ladies, what kind of legacy do you want to take into marriage? Do you want to be known as Ruth: a woman who waited for and prepared for her man, a noble and virtuous woman; or a flirtatious and impatient woman? Godly Christian men are attracted to women like Ruth, not the women of this world. We don't want to settle for God's second best, but His first choice for us. The one that will love us forever as Christ loves His church. We want to be his pearl of great price, his rarest treasure. So let's strive to be Ruth, and God will bring us Boaz.      

"Time slips by,
Trusting God has become important above everything else.
His timing is perfect and all His ways are best.
Would I truly love you in such a deep way if I wasn't waiting?
Would I grow if time had not taught me the value of obedience? 
Though I have never met you, I am faithful to you.
Though I am single my heart is yours already.
The one I give my heart to, is the one I marry,
safely stored in Christ until God brings us together.
Single I stand proud that I have not settled,
grateful that God has taught me to wait.
You're the right one, the one God has chosen is worth the wait,
no matter how long. 
I will no settle for ok, I wait for God's perfect fit."
~ Unknown~

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