Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 10, part 1: Lizards in the house

               Here is a little look at my day thus far.  Right now I’m sitting in the back bedroom with the girls, nervous to go back to the living room because there are lizards in there. Earlier, when the door was open these two snuck in and are now taking possession of the windowsill and under the couch. For those of you who know me, you know that I am super afraid of snakes and lizards. Since my brothers have gotten their lizards, I have become less afraid of lizards, but they till make me nervous when they are running loose….which is exactly what these two are doing. I have tried to let them out but they don’t go out…so now I’m hiding out with the other girls.

              I know what some of you are thinking…"why go to Africa if you’re afraid of reptiles? Everybody knows Africa is practically ‘reptile country.’”   The answer is as simple as this; I am not about to let a little fear get in the way of a big plan. I know that God will help me overcome this fear since He is the One who called me here in the first place….although I do wish helping me overcome this didn’t include being locked in the house with two lizards! Somehow that was not what I had envisioned all those times that I have prayed for help in overcoming this fear. God truly has a sense of humor, as I have experienced  several times since being here!!

                                       “For the glory of God!”


  1. HAHAHA this is such a Zambia moment! Catch- em and keep them as pets?

    1. What a great idea! You could bring em home to the boys! lol
