Friday, July 13, 2012

Viewing the night sky from African: lessons from the stars

       I have really been struggling with homesickness and sadness over missing my family since I have been here. This is the second post I have written about it, but this time I am writing from a different point of view. I have been going through ups and downs while being here. One day I am totally fine and happier than I’ve ever been, but the next day I am more homesick and sad than I’ve ever been before. Each time it takes an encounter with God to break me out of that net of sorrow that Satan had trapped me in. A little extra time with Him, a longer prayer time, or some other form of Him revealing Himself to me.

      Yesterday was one of those days when I was struggling. Last night I was missing my family so badly and longing to be home with them. I was silently struggling with that when I was sitting outside around the cooking fire with some of the Chongwe kids. As I sat there staring up at the star light sky, God revealed Himself to me in those stars. As I sat there thinking about how great God is to have placed each one of those stars in the sky and to have named every one of them, a sudden thought came to me. “If God can do something like that, how much more can He do in my life? If God has numbered the stars and calls each one by name, how much more so does He call me by name and number my days? If He is that powerful on behalf of the galaxy, how much more powerful and active will He be in my life?” 

     I am more precious to Him then all the stars in the sky. I am more beloved to Him then all the milky ways in all the galaxies of the universe. I have been called by His name and claimed as His child. I am His child, His heir, a sheep in His pasture. If He is so caring and watchful of the stars, I can only begin to imagine how much more so He will be in my life and in matters that concern me. He has not, never has and never will, abandon me. He know what I am going through and what help I need. “Before a word is on my tongue” He knows it completely. Before I ever have a need, He is aware of it and is just waiting for me to seek His help before He comes to my aid. He is a loving and caring God. A Shepherd that is careful and watchful of His sheep. A Father whose tenderest thoughts are bent on His child. A King who is ever present to send help and restore my spirit.

      God knew that I was in a struggle and needed help. He knew exactly what kind of help I needed and He sent it in the shape of the stars. He guided me to look at the stars so that He might remind me of how much He cares about me and for me and how well He knows me and is involved in my life. He used the stars to remind me that He is always with me, even when I don’t feel His presence. He is still here. Always here with me. No matter where I go. (Psalm 139) He is truly the all knowing, omnipresent, all powerful God who knows me better then I know myself.  He is always going on before me, leading me down His chosen path. I know that in His hands I am safe and in His plan I am where I need to be.
                                                         "For the glory of God!"

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