Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Shoes for orphans

      I recently updated all of you on the EOH’s sponsorship mission, but I wanted to touch up on one the needs that these orphans have. Because of the lack of sponsors, these children also lack good shoes. When a sponsor sends money the first places EOH sends it is to feed, clothe and school the child. Shoes are one of the last things that get bought, therefore shoes for these children are scarce. Most of them either don’t have shoes, then the children who do have shoes either have poorly fitting shoes or shoes that are old and worn out.
     Since I have been here I have seen the majority of these kids running around bare foot. The ground here is very hard and rocky, so because of this their sweet feet are often torn up and cracked. They have sores all over the bottom of their feet and the skin is peeling in several places. Washing the girls feet at our girls party, many of them had raw, aching feet that were tender to the touch. All because they don’t have enough sponsors to supply shoes.

      When my parents heard about this, God put it on their hearts to start raising the money to buy every child in the EOH program a new pair of shoes. They have 2 weeks to raise all the money, because the lady they are sending it with is coming here on the 28th. There is a lot of money to be raised in such a short amount of time. We are not sure of the exact amount yet, but there are over 70 children in the EOH program so we need enough money to get 70+ pairs of shoes. Please consider helping us out with this fundraiser! If you pity these children and want to do something to help, please help us raise this money!! You can be the supplier of a much needed pair of shoes to an orphan in Zambia!!! Please! This is just a small way you can help if you are unable to commit to a monthly sponsorship!!

       If you want to help buy a pair of shoes for one of these children you can either leave a comment on my blog with your email address and we will email you our address, or you can donate to my Paypal account. I can promise you, either way that money will get to those children and they will be getting a new pair of shoes!!!! Thank you and God bless!!
                                                             “For the glory of God!”                 
             “….I tell you the truth, as little as you do unto the least of these my brethren, you did unto ME.”
Matthew 25:40

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