Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 18: Girls party with our Lusaka girls!

           Tonight was a wonderful evening of laughter and joy as we bonded with our sweet Lusaka girls while cooking and painting nails. We had 16 girls ranging from the age of 9 to 18 show up for our little party tonight. We set up a nail station and cooking station in the kitchen. Kate, Elise, Baa Patricia and 5 of the girls were on kitchen duty. They spent most of the evening baking and decorating cupcakes and making popcorn amidst much laughter.  Christina and I were on nail duty, so we had the blessed privilege of pampering these sweet girls and helping them feel like princesses for the night. We spent stent most of the evening giving these girls a pedicure and manicure. It was such a sweet time of bonding!

          Later in the evening, some of the interns and the girls had a contest- like game to see who could catch the popcorn in their mouths when it was thrown at them. As you can imagine, this set off an eruption of laugher! By the time their little game was over, the floor was covered with scattered popcorn.  Between all the popcorn flying everywhere and the craziness of their excitement at being able to use our cameras, the room was the quite the site! Once we got that under control we we were able to enjoy the cupcakes that the sweet girls had made and settle down for some quiet activities.

           These “quiet activities” ended up being the girls showing us some of their dances. They danced to several of Christina and Elise’s favorite songs, eagerly showing off their dance moves.   Again, it was a time of laughter and joy as we all gathered around to watch them. In the midst of all of this, the fun evening came to an abrupt end when the power went out. Nearly every night the power goes out from 6-9, and tonight it went out while we were still hanging out with the girls. So after some quick good byes, the girls were on their way home for dinner and we were sitting in the dark with our flashlights, waiting for our taxi to show up.

          All in all, it was a wonderful evening. We were able to minister to and serve these sweet girls all evening while bonding and getting to know them better. Through this experience, all of our hearts were knit closer together and these 4 “aunties” have won a place in the hearts of these girls. Through tonight, we were able to establish a family relationship with them that drew us all closer together. God was at work making this happen so that we could better minster to and love on them. He knew that this party was what we needed to break the ice and familiarize ourselves with them and them with us. I look forward to spending more time with these precious girls this summer and bringing the love of Christ to them.

(I gave my camera to the girls to take some pictures, so needless to say I got some pretty weird pictures!! Smile)


                                            “For the glory of God!!”

1 comment:

  1. Sweet post Shelbie! I am glad you were able to form stronger relationships and memories with the girls. I can't help but imagine you and Christina holding their little hands and feet painting their nails... You served them in that!
