Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 26: The orphan situation in Zambia

       My heart is heavy this morning as I think about the orphan situation in Zambia. It is weighted down with grief and pity for the surrounding orphans of Zambia. There are over 2,000 orphans in Chongwe alone! Yet 300+ orphans are expected to show up for both of the first 2 camps that EOH is hosting. One cannot help but think “how is that possible??!!!”  How can there possibly be 2,000 Chongwe orphans and 600+ orphans coming to the camps, yet there are still an abundance of orphans out there that are not being reached by EOH!!!??!!

         Thousands of innocent children around Zambia are daily being orphaned by the AIDS/HIV crisis. Thousands of sweet children, thrown into the street or taken in by abusive, neglectful guardians. Guardians that squander the children’s inheritance and often times neglect and even abandon these children. These children suffer mental, emotional,  physical and even spiritual abuse as their sweet spirits are damaged by these experiences, making them withdraw into themselves. Many of these sweet children become physically sick from the environment they are in. They become distrustful, scared, sick, lonely and emotionally dead as wander around searching for love. Searching for someone they can learn to trust. Someone who will take are of them.

        EOH has been taking in dozens of these precious children each year, changing their situations around and giving them the love that they search for. Reviving them and giving them life in Christ Jesus. Through EOH, 70+ children have been given a second chance at life. A chance to grow past the age of 18. But these children sponsors. They need the help of 12 monthly donors who will dedicate themselves to helping this child grow strong and healthy and grow in the name of the Lord. Without sponsors, EOH would not be able to continue the work that they are doing in these children's lives. Apart from the help of the sponsors, Jesus would not have this open access to reach these precious children for the Kingdom of God. These children need many more sponsors. They need someone like you who will be willing to come alongside them with a small $27 a month donation to help change their lives. Please. Don’t just pity these children. Act upon that pity. Change a child’s life. God calls us to care for the orphans in their trouble. Are you willing to obey that command? Don't just listen to God. Listen and obey.
To sponsor a child go to:

“For the glory of God!”

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