Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sometime the answer is ‘no’

         Sometimes God leads you to do something then at the last minute says “no” and leaves you in confusion as you try to find His will for that situation, yet in the midst of all that He faithfully reminds you that He is still in control and does indeed have a purpose for that situation. This is something that I was reminded of over the weekend.

         Leading up to this trip God was faithful to reveal His will for me, guiding me in that route and meticulously tending to the details yet when the time came to set out on this journey He clearly said “no”. As my departure date drew closer I was under a lot of warfare emotionally through fear and worry yet on the morning of my departure I woke up fear-free and filled with peace ready to tackle this assignment, yet God clearly had other plans.

         At the beginning of the day so many things were going “wrong” that I thought it was warfare but by the end of the day I knew it was not, it was the hand of God acting through providence to keep me home at this time. My first flight was delayed by 2hrs causing me to arrive in LA 20 minutes before my next flight which ended up leaving 15 minutes early, so I found myself stuck in LA. Long story short I spent 4 1/2 hours in the airport trying to either get a flight home or onward to Kenya.  There was only 1 available flight that would get me to Kenya and for some reason Turkish Airlines would not book me on it  and all other flights out were booked so my only options were to stay and “try” to get on that flight the next day and risk being stranded somewhere else or try again next weekend. Seeing as how no one we knew in LA could come get me since they were either not available or due to the LA freeway being closed couldn’t get to the airport, coming home seemed to be my only option so after lots of praying we went ahead and booked for home.

            Now I am home seeking the Lord for what He wants me to do and trying to find my bags which are lost somewhere across the ocean. Though I know not the reason for all this, what I do know is that the Lord is still in control of this situation. I know that He has a plan.. indeed my getting to and being stuck in LA was part of His plan too..and will not stop until HIS purpose for this situation has been fulfilled. Even though He was calling me to Kenya , for whatever unseen reason this was not the time He wanted me to go, instead He wanted me stuck in LA to fulfill His purpose there.

          At this time I still do not know why He wanted me there, and I may never know this side of heaven, but I am content and at peace resting in His promise that All things work together for good to those who love God, who are called according to His purposes” (Romans 8:28). Even in the midst of all this confusion I know that He is still at work bringing about my good and His glory. It is God who has the final authority and say over whatever concerns me and that is the same in this instance.

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23,24
"For the glory of God!!!"

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