Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Harvest or Halloween?

     Halloween. The darkest day of the year. I know this is a controversial subject and I also know my mom usually writes a post about this, but this is something I feel strongly about and now that I have my own blog and have been diligently praying about what it is God wants me to write, I want to share what He has put on my heart and what I think of this holiday.  Each year millions of people around the world participate in this dark holiday, decorating their houses, making costumes, going to parties and allowing their children to trick or treat. For most people it is viewed simply as a fun holiday or “harvest day” where you have an excuse to dress up, go to parties and have fun. But few people actually know what really goes on during Halloween and for some they know but just don’t care. 

    The origin of Halloween goes back to the Middle Ages when the Catholic pope first initiated it into the church as a a pre All Saint’s Day observation day. All Saint’s Day (also known as All Hallows) was a day in which people gathered to pray for the saints and martyrs of the church. Thus the day before became known as Halloween which comes from All Hallows eve. Our founding father originally refused to make Halloween a holiday because they knew it was a pagan holiday so Halloween was not celebrated in the U.S until 1900. It was in 1840 when a famine sent many Catholic Irish to the U.S that Halloween was first brought to America. 

     Among the seemingly “innocent” events that occur on Halloween is trick or treating. Trick or treating was originally started with the Druids who believed going door to door and praying for the “tortured souls” of the deceased they would “free” the deceased from their torment. In exchange for their prayers many people gave the Druids treats. In addition to the prayers they would also go door to door to collect food for their evil spirits. Thus we get trick or treating an act of Satanism. In addition to these treats the Druids also carved demonic faces in pumpkins  and put a light candle inside to chase away “evil spirits”…aka modern day jack o’ lanterns. 

   I know, you’re probably thinking to yourself “my family doesn’t worship Satan or any kind of spirits. We’re just trying to have a little fun.” Or better yet, you might even be thinking “I just don’t want my kids to feel left out. I want them to be able to enjoy the fun things other kids get to and not miss out on this part of childhood.”  Well not to be harsh or anything but let them miss out!! We are Christians. We are not called to try to ensure that we don’t miss out on anything but to be an example to the world. How can we honestly be set apart and holy when we are still acting like the world even in this small area of our lives?! The fact that this is entirely innocent and simple fun is one of Satan’s biggest lies! That lie is how he tricks many Christians into worshiping him through seemingly innocent fun.

      Now let us take it a step further. Even if you are not serious about this “holiday” and only participate for the fun, DO NOT forget that Satan DOES NOT take this lightly. This is for him one of the greatest day of the year, the day in which he tricks thousands into worshiping him and committing abominations before the Lord. Yes I did say ABOMINATION for that is exactly what this holiday is. A day filled with witch craft, demonism, satanic worship and demonic sacrifices. This is a day in which countless people…even CHILDREN…lose their lives to this wicked tradition of human sacrifice to the “gods”…aka the Satan and the demons.

      Further more, you think it’s an accident that poison, drugs and small blades have been snuck into the candy children receive each year? NO! That is no accident that’s done on purpose by sick, demented, demon worshiping people!!!!! That is all a part of Halloween. The things that happen on this day are not fun, not innocent and should certainly not be taken lightly! Next time you refer to Halloween as “Harvest day” and celebrate it under that name or any other, remember this: it is STILL SATAN’S HOLIDAY and he is still being worshiped through anything we do to celebrate Halloween or “Harvest day.”
                                “For the glory of God!’

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