Saturday, October 6, 2012

“10, 000 years and then forever more…”

        Isn’t it amazing to think that one day we will pass from this earth into a glory beyond measure where we will spend all eternity, years upon years in worship and praise to our King? How vast beyond measure is His love and mercy to receive us sinners into such glory and splendor. To forgive us our debts and treat us as co-heirs is inconceivable! That the King of the universe, the Maker of all life, the One who was and is and is to come, the Great I AM is also our Savior is uncomprehendable. 

        We have such a debt to repay for such love and sacrifice yet He looks down with great tenderness and says “no my child, I did this for you so that you might live with me for all eternity. I want no recompense. I  want only your love and faithfulness.” The only thing we could ever do to repay such a huge debt is to return this love, accept this King, and dedicate our lives to Him. We owe Him this small act of service in response to the sacrifice He paid.  Brothers and sisters, let us never forget what He did on that cross nor the reason He did it, but let us come before Him in humble love and gratitude, casting our all at His feet that we might be be proven worthy to be called a child of God, worthy to be received into that great inheritance.

       Let us walk in faith not in sight, living the hard life, loving with all we are, forgiving and gaining forgiveness, loving justice, mercy and truth and defending the Truth with our lives, walking humbly with our God and sacrificing all we have for Him. Let us hear and obey His call, following in His footsteps, overcoming evil and battling flesh to win and impact souls for the Lord. Let us always remember that we ourselves are sinners called out of death and into life, reminding others of the One of loves them more than life itself. Let us be Jesus in disguise to all those around us,  a blessing to all we come in contact with, a gift to those we are sent to, serving with joy and humility as to the Lord. Let us be true servant's of the Most High God remembering that our true heritage is not from this world but from God. We are children of God so let us act as such and be an example to the world. 

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--  not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:8-10
"For the glory of God!"

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