Thursday, April 12, 2012

Life is sacred. Use it to love!

            What is life? I mean, what is the true meaning of life? How do we determine life's value? How does one define the meaning of life? The value of life? How do we decide whether we are living a life of worth? By living for our King. That is how.
                 These past two weeks, God has really put it on my heart to share with you all that He has placed upon my heart. That is, to share with you what I think of life. My meaning and my definition of life, not the world's.
             To say that I go by my own meaning, value, and definition of life, is wrong. "My" meaning of life, and the value "I" place upon life, is solely based upon scripture and the commands of Jesus Christ. I believe what my Lord and Savior does about life; that life is sacred and beautiful, no matter who the person is. Therefore, "my" meaning of life is not my meaning, but Christ's.
            This day in age, culture tends to teach us that the homeless man is not worth our effort, the orphan is too far away to help, the unborn child is not a child, children are a burden, the elderly are useless and burdensome,  and prisoners deserve to be hated. They no longer teach that these people need help. That they are desperate, abandoned, hurting people. Instead, they teach that people who are poor, homeless, unborn, orphaned or imprisoned are either not worth loving and helping, or we can "wait" until we're in a better financial situation to help them. But that's not what God teaches.
             God teaches us that we are to love, and help everyone we come across, no matter who they are or what situation they're in. God is a God of love, filled with compassion and kindness. Slow to anger, abundant in mercy, overflowing with grace and tenderness. In His great love, He seeks to reach out to and help all His people. Not just the ones we want to reach out to.
             As Christians, we are called to follow God's example. We are called to love and value all life. Life is indeed sacred. No matter who the person is, they are still loved by God. Special in His eyes, blessed with the gift of life, and treasured by the God of love. We are called to reach out to them, save them, guard them, and value life as much as Christ does. We are called to minister in love to all our fellow humans, knowing that life is short, so the time we have here is to be valued.
            That is why I believe ALL life has meaning. ALL  life is to be treasured and valued as a sacred gift from the Almighty King Himself. Life is a gift. Use it as a gift to obey the Lord of Harvest and reach out in love to ALL creation! Remember, your words and actions can very well determine the fate of a person's eternity. Don't kill with  your actions and words, use them to love!!

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