Saturday, November 30, 2013

My cup is filled

For the past 11 years my family has had a "Thanksgiving tablecloth" upon which, each Thanksgiving, we write the things we are most thankful for that year.  As I reread the tablecloth on Thursday, I was struck by how far God has seen our family in the past 11 years.  He’s seen us through the ups and the downs, the disappointments and the excitements. He’s been with us through every memory we’ve made, all the laughter we’ve shared and each individual day since Thanksgiving 2002.  As I sat there pondering that, it got me thinking about all my favorite memories……..

Family movie nights while drinking hot cocoa by the fireside…

Bon fires in the backyard in summer (officially dubbed “bond fires” for the bonding that we do during those fires)

Yearly camping trips …

Ney-Brawley camping trip 2013 045

Trips to the beach and the “fun” that comes with them..
(For the record, I’m still the winner Shyloh! ;)

Family swim days..

       This list goes on forever, and with each memory I am remindedchristmas option 1 even more so of how grateful I am to be part of such an amazing family. While we don’t always get along, we always forgive. We’re not always patient, but we are always trying. We’re not perfect and by no means is everything peaceful, but one thing is sure: we are always family. Here in Neyville, the only that matters at the end of each day is the love we have for one another.  As I go to bed each night with dozens of “good nights” ringing through the house, I rest in the promise that no matter what may happen, I never have to face tomorrow alone. There will always be a slew of people at my side.
Yes, my cup is full. My God has filled my cup of blessings to overflowing and each member of this family (however ornery) adds to this cup and fills my heart with love and joy. 

 So what am I most thankful for, besides God, this year? My crazy and abnormal, fun filled family! <3


"I thank my God every time I remember you." 
Philippians 1:3
"For the glory of God!"

1 comment:

  1. I Love you! Thank YOU..I pray as my beautiful daughter GROWs into a young adult that she will be abe to wrie this blog... I want her to know she was loved by the Lord and her family NO mater what!
