Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Help Me Find It!

   We all have those moments when we find ourselves at a crossroad in our lives and we are at a complete loss of what to do. We're crying out to God to discern His will for us but we get no reply. There are so many paths in front of us but only one is the path He has chosen for us. We know that He is near, but at times like that He feels so far away. It seems the more we cry out the further away He gets, and the silence we receive in answer to our prayers grows, till we feel that God is not even listening to us anymore.

   In times like that I've learned that I have 2 choices. I can either choose to be angry with God for "not listening to me" or I can continue to seek Him and eventually He'll show me His will. More often then not when I'm surrounded by confusion and feel like God has turned a silent ear to me, my flesh wants to choose to be angry with God. But when I continue seeking Him, He draws near and reveals His plan. Sometimes He takes a whole lot longer then my human mind would like, but at times like that He is able to work on my lack of patience, to gradually develop within me, a spirit of patience and of willingness to wait.

   I recently a sermon by Pastor Damion Kyle on the topic of God's silence. In this sermon he said, "God's silence doesn't always mean "no," but quite often it doesn't mean "yes" either. Most of the time God's silence is simply silence. It just means that He is testing us to see how we will react to Him "ignoring us." Or He will often times even use a trial of silence to prepare us for whatever greater trial lays ahead. He knows that without the trial of silence, we will not be strong enough to stand in the face of the trial that is coming." Personally, I found this very encouraging. I listened to it at a time when I was crying out to God to please help me find the next path He has for me and wasn't getting an answer. I felt angry that He was letting things be so confusing when I just wanted to do His will, but I had to step back and evaluate why I wanted to do His will and once I did, my prayers quickly changed. I went from praying "Lord show me what you want me to do!" to "Lord, whatever You choose to do, will be fine with me. Only take the reins and let Your will be done." God had to totally crush my spirit, bringing me down to my knees before Him in total surrender, before I was finally where He wanted me. Only when I had stopped thinking about myself and what I'd like to do, and had completely handed over control of my life to HIM alone, only then, would He show me His plan and lead me forward onto that path.

   If God has you in a place of silence, be encouraged. He has a plan for that trial of silence and once He's brought you through to the other side, you will look back on that time and see how far He's brought you. And you will be thankful for that silence. I know I was. God's silence brings His blessings. So wait patiently, for soon He will reveal His purpose to you. Just keep seeking His face and allow Him to be at work in you.

"Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: 
wait, I say, on the LORD."
Proverbs 27:13
"For the glory of God!"

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