External modesty as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary:
2: propriety in dress, speech, or conduct
Modesty as defined by the Bible:
1: Dressing modestly with decency and propriety, adorning ourselves
with good deeds ( 1 Timothy 2:9-10)
2: Respectful and pure conduct, being discreet and chaste letting our meek and quiet spirit be our apparel (1 Peter 3:1-4, Titus 2:4-5)
3: Dressing in a manner as befits a woman (Deuteronomy 22:5)
4: Dressing to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31)
5: Dressing in a way that does not stumble those younger than us or new in faith (Matthew 18:6-7)
Modesty is a fading virtue that is shunned by today's society. It is a rare and beautiful virtue yet women forsake it these days. Even many Christian women abandon Biblical modesty, for a woman who dresses with discretion yet still acts with impropriety is not modest at all for according to the Bible, modesty is far more then just discreet clothing.
Modesty starts in our heart when we make that conscious decision to start living in discretion and propriety. As Christian women we should be following Christ's guidelines for modesty, and the Bible is our handbook. In all that we wear and say and however we conduct ourselves is to match up with Christ's standards for a modest woman. Before you speak think, before you leave the house look in the mirror and ask yourself "would this outfit cause men to stumble?," as you are interacting with men constantly be on guard to ensure that you are conducting yourself with discretion and propriety. Above all seek to glorify God and honor your future husband with all your actions, words and attire."....Modesty is a way of thinking that is characterized by humility and purity, and results in appropriate actions." -Michelle Brock
As young women we need to constantly be praying that God will enable us to live in respectful and pure conduct, being chaste and discreet, making meekness and good deeds our apparel. However this looks for you is between God and yourself. If God is convicting you on an outfit being too revealing, get rid of it. If He is convicting you on your speech or conduct with men, pray that He will help you change that and be actively exercising your prayer. Let us bring modesty back into this world starting today!
"As a ring of gold in a swine's snout, so is a beautiful woman without discretion."
Proverbs 11:22
"For the glory of God!"