Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Older sister = role model and friend

     “Do you ever notice how she studies you?” Mama asked me, referring to my 6 year old sister Lolly. “I often see her watching you but not just watching, she studies you. Intently studying your features and watching you while you talk.”  

       Such a simple statement emerging from a simple question yet it stopped me cold. I suddenly realized she was right. Lolly, this sweet little sister who has been “my” little girl since her birth, is always watching and listening to me. Constantly asking my opinion of things and looking to me for advice. It never occurred to me that my answers and the way I conduct myself around my little sisters carries weighty consequences.

      I carry an impact on how my sisters will turn out when they grow up. They look up to me for older sister guidance, copying my example and trying to model me in every way they can. As their big sister I have a chance to make an impact in their lives, to be a good role model to them, to influence them for the better. My actions may very well deter them from or encourage them towards the path of righteousness. This is both a blessing and a duty. It’s a privilege that carries great responsibility. How I choose to handle this responsibility may very well change my sister’s lives.

    I feel God has charged me as a big sister to ensure that I am giving them a good role model and someone they can look up to for both spiritual and" “worldly” advice, someone who’s example shows them what a young woman of God should look like. In the past I have not done my “job” well. I have failed to give them someone they can look up to in the light of Christ, seeing Him mirrored through me. I have failed in my duty to Christ in this area of my life. From today on I am striving to be the sister they need me to be. The sister who lets Christ outshine her and fills her sisters with His light and love. I will strive to be a friend to them and and a role model they can copy, a model who enables them through her actions and words to live for Christ and come into their own walks with God! Each day that I am home this is my mission field, pouring Godly influence into their little lives!
“In everything set them an example by doing what is good….” Titus 2:7
"For the glory of God!"

My sweet bedbugs!<3 Shelbie and Shaylah My BFF! <3

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