Sunday, September 9, 2012

Great is Your faithfulness!l!!

      As I look back on the 2 months that I was in Zambia and think about all that happened in such a short time, I am again filled with awe and amazement at the faithfulness of the One I call my Father. Thinking back over all that I went through, the hardships and joys alike, I am again reminded of just how faithful He really is.
     When you go on that long of a mission trip you see it all…the good, the bad and the ugly. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes the downs outweigh the ups. Some days all you see is the good in the trip; the beauty and the joy of what is happening around you. On other days you see only pain, suffering and heartache. It is in these moments that God was truly there for me, giving me strength to face these hardships, courage to finish the day, comfort to heal my breaking heart and love to comfort the hurting children.

  There were many days when I felt that my heart was breaking more then I ever thought  it could. But without fail, He always came through for me. He was always right there with me, knowing before hand what I was going to face and preparing me for it. Waiting with open arms for me to run to Him when my heart was breaking for those children, standing by my side when I fought off Satan’s attacks.  Throughout this trip I experienced His faithfulness in more ways then I ever have before.  I have always known Him to be faithful but never have I been so sure of it as I am now.  I  know that He is faithful in every little are of our lives and will never change! I have seen this again and again these past 2 months and have more stories about His faithfulness then anything else. Faithful indeed is the One who is worthy of our praise!
“For the glory of God!”
“Great is Your faithfulness....You never change, 
You never fail, oh God!”
 -“Unchanging”, Chris Tomlin

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