Saturday, July 16, 2016

Loving at a cost

"By this, all will know that you are My disciples; 
if you love one another as I have loved you." 
John 13:35

I am what you call a "stream flower" personality type. This means that it is in my nature to seek to fix the pain and difficulty of those I love. I love deeply and because of this, I subsequently hurt deeply. When someone I care about is hurting or struggling, I hurt and struggle with them. It's not always to have this type of personality because it often leaves my heart feeling battered and sore. But in the same way, it gives me the unique opportunity to pour into the lives of those who are hurting.

This past week I have had many conversations  with coworkers and the children at my work that have broken my heart. (The things these kids have gone through!) I hurt for the loss and pain my coworker went through as a child (I'm not at liberty to divulge details) and grieve for the loss of the kids who went through divorce and heartache at such young ages.

But it is in light of these stories that my eyes have been opened to the pain in these hearts, and I see this enlightenment as a chance to love these people all the more deeply. Will it hurt? Most likely. But when I think of the pain Christ must feel every day at the suffering of His children, my own seems so insignificant.

To love is to obey Christ. And while loving others is not always easy, it is what we are called to do as followers of the Great Lover Himself. The world tries to romanticize love; to make brotherly, or friendly love seen pointless. But only love can drive out hate. So should we not love all the more?! If putting our hearts on the line and embracing the pain and suffering of our fellow mankind can make a different in their lives, is it not  worth it?! So I will continue to love those who cross my path not matter how badly it might hurt. And while I may never know- this side of heaven- what difference it made in their lives, I do know this: to love is to bring Christ to others. Therefore, to live a life of love is the most notable of all causes in this world. And while I may never change the world, by loving someone I may just change the world for THAT person.

"Therefore, let us love one anther for love is of God." 
1 John 4:7 

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