Thursday, June 9, 2016

A nation of hope

    I close my eyes. I can still the Zambian countryside, still hear the sound of laughter. I can see clearly the route between the Lusaka houses. I remember those times we walked to church together; the times we hung out at My Father's House 3 playing spoons or watching Barbie. I remember the drives to Chongwe in Uncle Phil's rickety old SUV and all the stops we had to make to let the engine cool down. I remember the smiles on the faces of the people we passed; of the joyous throng of worshipers singing and dancing before the Lord. I remember the joy...the hope...the love...the laughter.

Why do I share these memories now? Because I want to show you something. 

Too often the tales of Africa are spun with horror and tragedy-of sickness and poverty. But rare is the story of hope and encouragement. But this is the Africa I want to show you; the one that is filled with joy and laughter. 

   Let me pause here to say that I am not disregarding those tragic stories, for sadly, those stories are common in Africa. But with those stories come the ones of redemption and grace: of love and of joy. The stories that get caught up among and lost among the others. 

   I have seen both sides of Africa during my short trips. I have seen heart wrenching pain and sorrow, and poverty beyond my previous imagination. But in the midst of these I also saw unfathomable beauty and grace: the glorious beauty of love and redemption in the midst unspeakable tragedy.

   Yes, Africa is struck by tragedy and hardship. But despite such, faith and hope are on the rise because the good news of Christ is being spread across the nation. I have witnessed firsthand how the redemptive love of Christ can change a hopeless, despairing situation into one of hope and joy. Christ doesn't always change the circumstances, but He always, always, changes the person. And that, changes their outlook on the situation. This is how a nation is changed: by the redemption of Christ's love. This is the Africa I want to show you; the Africa that I choose to remember. The Africa that I know and love.

   It is through people like you and me that Christ's work is being accomplished in Africa and around the world. Together, we can make a difference in this world. Together, we can be the light- the hope- the love-
that Africa and the rest of the world so desperately needs. 

We can bring 
Christ to the nations. 


We can be Christ to the people of the world.  

"For the glory of God!"

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