Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A heart of trustful stillness

It is still dark when I rise. The house is quiet as I pluck my Bible from it's resting place and take my seat near the window. I sit in the light of the lamp as dawn's first light peaks over the neighboring hills. All is still. I am still.
     "Be still." The continual cry in my heart this past year; the whisper of the Father to His child. As each day rolled around last year, I knew that this reminder, this command, was going to show itself in some form in my life that day. 365 days; 365+ times I saw or heard that verse. As the year progressed He got more and more obvious about His desire for me to learn the lesson He was yearning to teach me. Try though He might to teach me, I just wasn't getting it. Until last week.. then it hit me. I was reading Hind's Feet on High Places, where the Shepherd was scolding Much-Afraid for being impatient with Him for not doing what she wanted Him to do in her life. I was convicted by His words:

~*~"When you wear the weed of impatience 
in your heart instead of the flower of
your enemies (fear, pride, anxiety, worry)
will get an advantage over you."~*~
            You see, I had become so obsessed with my dreams and hopes for life that I had started trying to control the path my life took. Instead of praying that His will would be done in my life, all my
prayers had become about me: "Help this to happen," "please do this," "I want this to occur.." etc. But who am I, who sees only as far the days end, to dictate how my life should go? The rest of Psalm 46:10 says "..know that I am God." HE IS GOD. He sees my future as far as there is to see. So better to lead my life than Him? It is time that I stop trying to control things that are out of my control and to truly quiet myself before Him, believing that He knows best so that I might come to say: "You choose, my Lord, and I will obey."

"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10
For the glory of God!

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