Wednesday, July 23, 2014

He knows

 "And God saw every thing....
and, behold, it was very good."
Genesis 1:31

WHY? The question that we so often find ourselves asking in this journey of life. 

     Too often in life we find ourselves in the midst of the storm with no shore in sight and no explanation for why we are there. As the waves crash around us and the waters rise, we quickly forget that the Maker of the storm is standing on that distant shore watching. Waiting. I recently listened to a sermon about the disciples being stranded in the storm on Galilee while Jesus stayed on the shore and prayed. It was only after letting them sit in the storm, fighting for their very lives for 8 hours, that Jesus finally went to them. He could have commanded the storm to stop at any moment, but He didn't. HE put them in that storm and let them sit there ON PURPOSE. Why? Because He needed them to grow in Him. To believe in Him.

       How often does God do that in our lives? Throw us in the storm to grow us in Him, to teach us to trust Him? We may never know the why in a trial, but this we do know: HE knows. When we find ourselves far from shore, seemingly "alone" and scared, it can be all too easy to wonder where God is. To feel like He's not there. But He is. He is watching and waiting for us to learn the lesson before He rescues us.

      When we find ourselves in these storms we need to remember: He knows the why behind every detour and the outcome on the shore. When God looks at us in the storm He sees something good. He sees that the storm and the work it is producing in us (if we let Him work) is good. We need to stop fighting Him and trying to tell Him how to help us and just trust Him. 

HE KNOWS. He knows.

(I tried to get just this song on here, but because it's on a playlist all of them downloaded.
 So, pause my music below and play just "Better than I." :))

 "All the days ordained for me were written in your book,
before one of them came to be."
 Psalm 139:16

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