Dear ladies,
Every girl goes through that stage where she struggles with self confidence as she seeks to figure out who she is in this world. For some girls it is harder than others to find her way out of that, to discover who she is in Christ. This is something every girl must figure out on her own, with help from those who love her. My prayer for all of us is that we will daily be reminded of who we are in Christ as defined by the Bible, and what we mean to Him.
In a world that constantly seeks to tear you down and mar your God given image, you can laugh in the face of this evil for you know this: the world's verdict of who you are or how you look is not what defines you. The vanity and pride that chase you, trying to wreck your God given confidence will have no effect on you if you dwell in the light of who God says you are.
In a world that try to fit you into one mold, you can defy this image and make your own. When the world says you're anything less then perfect, God says you ARE perfect. When you look in the mirror and see less then "perfection" God sees His child, His beloved daughter created to be who she is. When the world says you're anything but pretty, God looks on in love and says "my child, you're beautiful" When you're not a model, Barbie or movie star, you are still perfect just as you are. To God all your "flaws," imperfections and "errors" are just the opposite: they are the perfections that make you who you are. They are the unique qualities and features that set you apart from the rest of the world. Don't hate your appearance or personality because it doesn't match up with the world's image of who you should be. Rejoice that you are one in a million, fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) by a God who adores you just the way you are.
I beg you my sisters, do not let the evils of this world get to you!
Remember who you are in Christ and take comfort in that. Do not let this
world try to redefine you, God has already defined who you are and you are afterall, made in HIS IMAGE, therefore only HE has the right to define who you are and how you should look. As young ladies, we don't need to look like this world nor fit into it, for we were made to be who we are and to stick out in this world, shining for HIS glory. When the world puts us down, God will lift us up.When the world says we're not, GOD says we are: priceless, treasured, beautiful, perfect, sacred, beloved.
Your sister in Christ
MercyMe "Beautiful"
Johnny Diaz "More beautiful you"
~turn off music to hear songs~
"For the glory of God!"