Monday, August 19, 2013

What is "normal?"

  So often we hear Christians say they "just want to live a normal life" or "why can't my life be normal?!"  But what is normal when you're a Christian? I mean, everything about Christianity is abnormal! Look at the creation of the world, look at the gospel, look at the Great Commission, are those normal!? Are any of our beliefs normal? Is it normal to believe in a 7 day creation, that man came from dust and woman from the man? That a carpenter was born of a virgin in a manger and grew up to become the Savior of the world: that He can heal the sick, raise the dead and died for all mankind? Is it normal that that same Man rose from the dead and now reigns forever as King of the universe? Further more is our commission considered normal, that we're to die to ourselves to live for Christ, to love and serve others, to suffer for Christ and to spread this strange gospel throughout the earth?

   No! None of this is normal so why then do we think we who are called by an abnormal calling, should be entitled to a "normal" life? We should rejoice in the abnormality of our lives knowing that we are called by Christ's name to be people of His love, rejoicing to live our lives for His glory, making His name known. In a world that is filled with crisis we alone can "rescue the perishing" so why do we hesitate? Why do we try to blend in with this world, to be "normal"?

   The world needs us to be abnormal, Christ calls us to be abnormal. When will we realize the blessings and weight of this calling and embrace it, stepping out to save the world?!

"The world lives in a time of crisis. Christians alone are in a position to rescue the perishing. We dare not settle down and try to live as if things were normal." A.W. Tozer
"For the glory of God!" 

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