Friday, May 25, 2012

Another Milestone

      The Lord has brought me through yet another huge milestone in my life: my high school graduation. As of last Thursday, I am officially done with high school.  I know that God has been faithfully leading me through life, yearly leading to the doorstep of adulthood, but now, He has led me through that door and into adulthood.

       With graduation, I  have stepped out onto a new path. A path that is ultimately leading to Africa. I leave the past behind, and set my face towards the future. I can finally reach out and take hold of that which my Lord has for me. I can at last, set my feet and my thoughts toward making my Father’s dream come true.  I am free to go where He sends, and do what He wills with my life. 

    So begins my journey of a lifetime. Now I am finally, stepping out in obedient surrender to the call of my Master.  So begins, day 1 in this new chapter of my life.  The Lord has turned the page, and written the final sentence in my high school years, and has  started chapter 2 in this incredible tale; the story of my life. 

 “My steps are ordered by the Lord.”

Psalm 37:23

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