The enemy laughs. The flesh scoffs. The deepest regions of hell deride the opposition of the soul. All the while the heart cries, “I cannot do this!” The enemy marches, the flesh cowers.
Is this to be the “resistance” we offer the enemy when he tries to steal us from our LORD? A weak rebellion without faith, without action? Is our faith naught but empty words
and hollow professions of action??
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Thousands around the world today are already facing death and persecution for their faith. There may very well come a day when we too face the same battle. We need to ready ourselves, for on that day God will ask, “how far will YOU go for me?” The enemy is preparing his troops for battle, battle against the most powerful BEING in the universe. He will lose, but he’ll go down fighting, destroying the lives of the ones GOD loves: destroying us. He’ll stop at nothing to tear us away from our KING, we cannot let that happen!
“How far will you go for ME?”
When we are faced with an assault from the enemy, it is our fear the prevents us from fighting the good fight, from resisting Satan. But resist we must, for to give in to his whims means denying our Father in Heaven. Right now we fight a spiritual battle, but one day this battle may become a physical battle: a fight for our very lives, and the honor of our KING. In that day we MUST stand strong, we we must NOT back down. So what if we lose our lives, for to lose our lives here, will be to gain an eternity with GOD.
Let Satan laugh now, his time is coming. Our KING will defeat him once and for all!!
Are we ready to fight for our GOD??
"For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."
Mark 16:25