I am standing before an "unending" mountain and I know the only way to continue my journey is to climb over it. So I climb, but it is not easy. With every step forward a boulder comes crashing down the mountain side. For a while I am able to avoid these and press on, but as I grow weary I allow myself to grow careless and within hours I grow weak and I have not the strength to fight enough. Soon, I find that I cannot press on, I am stuck on this mountain.
This is where I was in life the past several weeks. I was in a very dark place in my life and spiritually and emotionally I was really struggling. Many things kept piling up in my life, it felt like Satan was attacking me in any way he could. These struggles were my mountain and the boulders were Satan's attempts at knocking me down and keeping me down. Some days it felt like he was succeeding, I was down and it felt like I could not overcome this. Yet I was clearly not getting what God was trying to show me. Finally one day He had to hit me over the head with the truth. He showed me that problem was
ME. I was under a lot of warfare and things were tough, but
I was the one who first made myself vulnerable for such an attack by allowing myself to neglect my spiritual nourishment, opening myself up to the enemies darts.
When you're not immersing yourself in His word you are not drawing near to Him, if you're not drawing near to Him, He will not draw near to you. We were made to come to Him not the other way around. This was one of the biggest lessons God was teaching me through this time. All that time I crying out to God everyday to please help me and it felt like He had left me. But indeed, I was the one who had forsaken Him by not being in His word each day. God used my error of not seeking Him to draw me nearer to Him once I acknowledged my mistake and teach me in the midst of that trial. In every season and every trial, no matter why I am in the trial, He does work through these rough seasons in life and even when it feels like He is not there He is always standing beside me, giving me the strength to stand. Whether life is "all as it should be" or if I'm in the midst of the desert, "in every season I have a reason to worship" because HE is
still God and the God that I serve will
never leave me even when I leave Him!!
"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to
show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all
who wait for him!"
Isaiah 30:18
"For the glory of God!"