As we all know, change is a common part of life as our lives are always changing, but I’ve noticed that change is even more prominent in the life that has made the commitment to follow Jesus. Once you’ve crossed that bridge into acceptance of His will for your life there’s no going back and from than on it’s
all change in every area of your life. People come and people go. You go places and than you leave. You form
new friendships and
end old friendships. Endure heartache
and joy. You thwart the enemies plans and fulfill the Lord’s. You fight with the world and Satan and see God at work through it all. Through all of this you really begin to understand what it means to “give up everything and follow..” Him.
It is truly blind trust. Just as Abraham before us, we know not where we go or what will happen. By that I mean, we only know where we are going at the time He reveals it to us but until than we faithfully begin to prepare ourselves for that journey. Still, even once we know where to go, we still do not know what will
happen once we arrive and begin His work. We simply say “yes” and go, trusting Him to work out the details and bring about His will for the situation.
Through all the change that has taken place in my life I can honestly say I am truly blessed, never more so than now! In the midst of the things happening in my life I have learned that change in your life also means change in your spirit. One of my favorite mottos now is “without change you cannot grow.” I don’t remember where I heard this, but I know it is true. Without being taken out of your element of comfort and thrown into a strange and often scary place in your life, you will not grow spiritually. God always uses change to deepen your walk and enhance your love for Him. Sometimes that change is painful…the loss of a loved one, sometimes scary….like life threatening illness or going to a foreign place and other times it is simply joyful like marriage, the birth of a child or some other blessing He bestows that changes your life.
However it happens it is a blessing…disguised or unveiled…and if you let Him God will use it to change your spiritual life forever. Embrace these changes with gratitude and praise, using them to glorify and honor God. Allow each new change to be the thing that takes you to a new level of fellowship
with and understanding
of God.
“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to change who you are for what you could become.” –Unknown.
“For the glory of God!”