Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Birthday reflections

 Here's to 30 years around the sun.

  Being out of my 20's feels weird. On paper, the age says I should feel old, but inside, I still feel young. This birthday was a big one. I'm officially out of my, "young adult years" and am simply an adult. It makes one reflect on their life. I hear so many adults talk about their regrets from their 20's, or the way they wasted their youth. I always thought I'd feel the same when i reached my 30's. But the crazy thing is, I don't. When I reflect on my teens and 20's, I have no regrets. I feel like a used my time wisely, and made the most of those years.

  I graduated high school a year early and went straight into the mission field. Spent the next year fundraising and traveling back and forth to Africa. At 19, I settled down in the US and started working 3 jobs to keep me busy and pay the bills. I spent the next 2 years, working 40hrs a week and getting plugged into our church. I served in every area I could, to ensure good stewardship of my single years. We moved to Idaho when I was 21, (where I met Dan soon after) and I immediately got a full time job. Dan and I started dating at 22 and got married at 23. I quit my job and got pregnant at 24. At 25 I became a stay at home mom. At 27, we added Everett to the family; and of course, at 29, we built a house together. Throughout it all, I kept busy as a SAHM, tending our home and family. We were even able to go on 4 good family vacations in that time, building core memories together.

  All in all, I'd say that was a good decade. I feel very blessed to have been able to make such good use of those years, and feel I have a lot to show for it. A whole lot of love and laughter, and stored up memories; besides the handsome husband and precious boys I've been gifted. I'm thankful that God chose to answer my childhood prayers, but did it His way. His way truly is the best. Now, here's to my 30's and making the most of them.